Mercedes is a woman who has no complaints: it is beautiful, well lived, married, mother of two, always close to her best friend Monica and is very happy. Apparently her life is perfect, which arouses the curiosity of herself to find out why your life is so complete. That's when Mercedes decides to analysis with a psychoanalyst, Dr. Lopez, to discover the reason of not even see the shadow of the problems.
What Mercedes did not realize was that his life would change from the day she walked into that office. Throughout his psychological treatment, Mercedes discovers own grievances, including the need to know ever more deeply, the desire to live each moment to realize dreams and wishes he did not know existed.
I heard many people say the movie was very funny and the cast was good. I went to see this movie just went on TV when I found out very nice any more than we're used to seeing on TV. Mercedes in the film begins to enjoy life, know different men, younger than she, going to clubs, spends the night with men without compromise (apparently). Anyway, the movie does not surprise me as much as I expected, is much more fun to watch.
happy woman newly separated, which after time away from therapy, resolves to return to the office. She lives with her children and Bruno Silva. With the divorce, she decides to allow more and judge less.
So she will be mistress of the man of her dreams in New York, will have to deal with dating his son with an older woman and will reconnect with old loves. With so many changes, she finds comfort on the couch so much waiting.
Mercedes will have two great friends: Renee hairdresser and Tania, who owns an art gallery, where the protagonist sets out its work. Jurandir is the neighbor who raises the self esteem of the artist.
series please me more, is in the right mood and not just talk crap like the movie, some things spoken in the series to serve people stop and think about some actions we take throughout life. After separate Mercedes back to the couch of Dr. Lim, it takes life calmly and always shows you how to turn things around in real-life problems that may happen. Jurandir is his neighbor and the bank manager, is in love with her and does everything to conquer it, Mercedes only hurts him always saying no, he does not want to go out with him, most fortunately for us he does not desist, I thank as he appears only in times "Good" drawing smiles and laughs from the audience.
A great cast
If i were to give a note to the film and one for the series would be: 6 for the film and 10 for series. It is worthwhile to keep up with Mercedes in the office of Dr. Lim, the series will air every Tuesday after "Tapas and Kisses" (another series that will soon make a post here on the blog). And of course you can also find the episodes here on the Internet.
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