I'm very excited about today's post will not be like the others this will be a new session here at the blog called "Meet the Author." A few days ago I posted saying that the author of Hathor Markus Thayer, has partnered with the blog and answered questions from the interview. He was very attentive and his assistant Mel, and Mel thank Markus for answering the questions for the blog. In the interview he tells how Hathor was writing, her favorite books, new projects etc.. He was curious (a), then read the interview and meet Markus Thayer.
1. Who is Markus Thayer?
I am a person who likes to read books from novels to highly technical. I love music and I try not to distinguish by genres or styles, in fact what I seek in a song, generally, is a good harmony and a beautiful melody. So at any given time can be listening to Tchaikovsky and the next Guns N 'Roses.
With regard to the painting I'm a fan of Salvador Dali. Another great passion is to make computer programs, mainly in JAVA language, though now I am venturing into PHP.
I must mention the film. I love the big screen with one hand and popcorn type of movie!
2. What authors inspire you?
There are writers who are immortal take from among the true treasures of himself to humanity. Many are those who inspire me, and it is not easy to name a few. But, here goes some: Jules Verne, JJ Benitez, Dan Brown, Lair Ribeiro, Isaac Asimov, among others.
3. Cite books, in his opinion everyone should read. Among them are some favorite?
Journey to the Center of the Earth (Jules Verne), Operation Trojan Horse (JJ Benitez), who are we ( Arntz, William ), the key master (Charles Haanel), Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
The list still goes away. Between these two I would choose as favorites: Journey to the Center of the Earth and the master key.
4. Discuss how the process of writing was Hathor.
Hathor was written in just over 3 months. The whole process was very enjoyable. It is very interesting because you get to engage with the characters, is to respect them, and from one point they earn and spend their own life to lead their own plot.
Writing a story is something everyone should do, is a wonderful exercise! You get to prove to yourself its real power of creation.
5. At what age did you first become interested in books, and what reading means to you?
Tomei like to read when I was 15 years old. Reading is perhaps one of the best ways of freedom.
As a reader you follow the story, but mind creates all the scenery, the smell of the place, the intensity of wind, cold snow, the forest green, the colors of the lush meadow flowers.
You fall in love laugh and cry with the characters. With them you feel heat and cold, travel to distant stars, or goes to the center of the earth. You will reflect on your life.
Every book its universe expands, its sphere of knowledge expands, you grow in mind and spirit, and approaches a little more perfection.
6. What tip would you give to people who want to publish your books?
First and foremost, believe that you can be whatever you want to be.
Write your book, read, reread and change what you want until smooth.
Ask someone who cares about you, read and give opinions.
Send to several publishers. Avoid pessimistic thoughts, always believe in the positive response.
not stop there, draw the cover of your book. Place the design in one place so you can see every day. And when looking at the design has positive thoughts about your book.
7. You can count on your new projects?
I am currently working hard to promote it. I am also writing a sequel to Hathor and the web series "The Saga of YRM.
8. What can we expect from them?
The continuation of Hathor is still secret. And "The YRM Saga "is a web series I'm posting on the blog of the book. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis web series is tell you what happens before the story of Hathor, who also is mentioned in the book.
Keep in mind an image of your book in bookstores.
Imagine people flipping through her book and carrying it to the cashier.
Imagine people happy to read your book.
Most important: never, ever give up your dream. Remember only you can determine whether your dream will come true or not. Then choose yes.
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