Last somehow I can not adjust the reading.
picnic before I loose idea for a new challenge-forgotten reading books in a series of NCI. In an attempt to attack so the most dusty book in the series in my collection. Fell on the American-meta-novel * (a deconstruction of society, politics and units). Pleased me taste of its economical style and skillfully constructed mood. Worse with the content. After reading the third I felt as if I succumb to deconstruct itself, and for that the author sells the content to me quietly on the purchase of which I do not want more. The effect-went to a box of books to donate:).

If NCI is not, then maybe something from another old series-Koliber? I take
flagship-collection-Story-Of-American-South ** and fall asleep. I'm trying again - I read once again the same page and seem to me to be entirely new. Apparently the brand is not for me. Direction-box.

stretch out from the shelf Polish-Political-Fiction *** (known to me earlier author), and again I am not able to read. Presumably because the higher dose of political fiction, I find in a random newspaper:). Marching step goes to jail.

The first story, "Brigadier and the Golf Widow "(where one of the important props is fallout shelter) begins like this:
" I do not want to be one of those writers who start every morning crying: 'Oh, Gogolu! Oh, Chekhov! About Theckerayu and Dickens! What would you began with an anti-shelter, zdobnym in four plaster ducks, birds and larval picturesque group of three red dwarfs in the long beards and kapturkach? " I would not, as I say, start the day in this way, but often wonders what would you do nieboszczycy ".*****
whole is skillfully mixed comedy with tragedy with lots of raisins in the dough in the form of interesting solutions for the entertainment industry. An example is the "float" where the hero flows around the town ... moving between successive pools in the residences of its neighbors.
drawback of this book is that it was so short. After an hour I had read from the head. And what is there to read next?
* "Democracy," Joan Didion
** "Moon Lake" - Eudora Welty
*** "Drzymalski against the Republic" - Arthur Baniewicz
**** Black romance - Wladyslaw Terlecki
*** ** Well-educated American John Cheever, s 7
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