So no rolling over, let the interview?!

1. Who is Paula Pepper?
I'm too shy to talk about myself ... So I'll copy here what Carol Christ, who became a reader dear friend, wrote and was published in the ear of "Making my Movie 3":
"Paula Pepper majored in Advertising, but - luckily - he discovered that what really likes to write books. She has the soul of a princess, trust in dreams, loves animals and teaches music. Do not know if by sympathy, to live on the moon or so eager to believe in "happily ever after," I'm guessing that Paula is not even real people, but a character in a fairy tale that went around , running away, wanting to tell new stories anyway ... "
2. What authors inspire you?
My favorites are: Meg Cabot, Nick Bantock, Martha Medeiros, Richard Bach, Adriana Falcão, Jane Green, Lisa Jewell ... among many others!
3. Cite books, in his opinion everyone should read. Among them are a favorite?
I think everyone should read the series "Making my movie, you know? ;-)
4. What was the process of writing my Movie Making .
It took eight months to write the first book. I wrote it in London during the years I lived there (2005). At that time, I did not even know if the book would be published, wrote unhurried, savoring each page, the book somehow kept me company.
The second volume, written in three months. The publisher gave me a deadline, I wanted to release it in late 2009. I had the whole idea in my head but when I started writing, I changed everything and it even had to change my routine to get it finished on time.
It took five months to "Making My third movie, "this volume was the hardest for me ... Some parts of the book I did not want to write, since - during the writing process - I feel everything the characters live in the book, and some parts of it are very sad ...
am writing now "doing my film 4" . He will be released later this year.
5. What tip would you give to people who want to publish your books?
Once the book is ready before being sent to the publisher think it's important to make a good review. If your book arrives at the publisher with a good presentation, those responsible for evaluating it now will look at it with a larger array. Send it to several publishers and has a lot of patience and willpower. If I had given up on the first "no", I would not be where I am. But persistence is rewarded certainly, nothing is more exciting than seeing your book published!
6. Can you tell us about your new projects? What can we expect from them?
I will release two books this year. "Making my movie 4" in November, and before him, the first of my new series, which will be released in September, at the Biennale of RJ. This book tells the story of one of the friends of Fani ... Soon I will reveal who was "lucky" that won a series just for her!
And then, like the interview? I loved it, she is very friendly and have talent. I have not read her books yet for lack of opportunity and $ lol sad saw, perhaps more than I can buy soon, to be sure her books are on my list desired. Paula also sent to markers I give away here on the blog or exchange, all autographed ok?
lot here I will only open when I have a much larger number of followers, then tells her friends, amgos there to come to know and follow the SB.
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