Wholesale books - new delivery! This time again, wholesale supply:). While a single book I write a long note, but as long to her collecting, that I had time to evaporate vein. It will therefore be shortly:). But only about books read.
"German bastard" by Barbie Scandinavian crime fiction, that Camilla Läckberg. This is the fifth part of the series "Crime Saga", for me it will be part of the latter.
As usual, we have numerous threads moral (wordiness Polish soap opera on par with the difference that in the Polish soap opera does not play such a role until sexual minorities), gapowatych police (this time even harder to think - yes, it is possible). The only thing that saves the book, is a crime topic, this time with the scheme wyłamujący-slaying evil psychopath blonde like his stepmother. It's just that it would suffice for 150 pages, the book has a 650:).
"Marika" Krzysztof Kotowski-completely nothing distinctive sensation Polish author. However, one can read without special glitches. The upside was the lack of "uatrakcyjniaczy plot", frequent in the Polish writers of the genre, there was no such requirement as a nymphomaniac.
"Phototherapy" Catherine Sowuli, such an anti-capitalist pamphlet. We have graduates in the humanities and arts, who are compelled by force and the free market to perform various humiliating activities (including prostitution). The plan was that I read a few pages, and the book will go to jail hastily-give away. It turned out that the author has prepared But a secret weapon - humor. Thanks to his considerable doses, I managed to read "Phototherapy" to the end.
Why even read such a book? Contrary to appearances, are irreplaceable in extreme situations (the bag in the rain at the bus stop, into the bathtub) while others just a pity:).
Against this background, moreover, can appreciate the really good books, and so in this delivery turned out to be "King snakes" Jozsef Holdosiego. Taking place since the 30's and 50's, a family saga Kanyów-sedentary Hungarian Gypsies sometimes resembles a fairy tale. Nearly all young People in this community, seem eminently untalentowanych, if not artistically, it just often have a talent for enjoying life. However, their best years were under way very shortly. Artists osuwają a frenzy, killing many a broken heart. Others sink into bitterness. But those who managed to survive many years despite the physical degradation and save your soul, become recognized authorities and leaders of their communities. As this, even though the youth admires, appreciates the experience of elders.
And what a surprise - often-recognized authorities, such leaders are women. Since life
Gypsies, viewed from the outside, not a pleasure, try to tame them by introducing elements of fairy tales to him. A Holdosi so skillfully incorporates them into a book that enchants on the occasion of the reader.
Highly recommended, especially lovers of exotic climates in the literature. This is an opportunity to look for the exotics a bit closer to home.
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