"The night was black as the conscience of a fascist" - the first sentence of the notes already seemed familiar. Not surprisingly, as it turned out I found the book a cult. Generations of readers may laugh out of ignorance Miszki Zubowa "and konsomolca officer," master of Soviet newspeak. Until the 80s it was illegal but laughter (many zapoznawało up with a book in the form of paper), and is still heavily lined with concern. Miszki hilarious ups and downs - a collector of watches, a devotee of Soviet culture (and especially its most perfect emanation-woszebijek *) and Joseph Stalin), the Wild West to its second floor - and that is the fate of those who had the misfortune to encounter him. Sometimes completely random contacts with him threatened to damage the body, befriending and bestowal of trust - loss of life. Piasecki shows that the devastations of the man by the totalitarian system is irreversible. Emptiness can be completed only by fear and hatred. A Mischka, at the beginning of reading like a humanoid, despite the efforts of the people with whom he comes into contact, do not turn back into a man.
book funny at the same time (during the reading is difficult to stop, not to begin to communicate with their environment using Newspeak (as in this example)) and heavy. Leaves of niewesołymi historical reflections and, unfortunately, and contemporary. Are you sure we are in fact described by the heirs of the Polish Piasecki, or maybe more of us Zubowa Misha?
* woszebijka - delousing
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