Yes it is, that whenever I go to the library, I always have to blink off the shelf and the writings of Latin American new book Mario Vargas Llosy. This time he blinked to me, so that his eye is not enough volume came out entitled "Storyteller." What could I do-took pity on a poor man, so many that came to me afterwards sorely regret that impulse.
"Storyteller" because it is not a typical book MVL - the energy of the twisted narrative prose, but rather traditional ethnographic reportage. And at least initially looks like a documentary, because the closer to the end, the book turns more toward fiction.
thing applies to one of the Amazonian tribes - Macziguengów. MVL was fascinated by them for many years, since his student days (the book was written about 30 years later). The first reason was their extraordinary culture. Their ethics were extremely important to maintain harmony with the world, normal anxiety can disrupt this harmony, so Macziguengowie always were put up in the art of maintaining peace. With a bad result for myself - ruthlessly exploited both colonizers and other tribes, pushing deeper into the jungle. Another unique aspect of their culture was the institution of raconteur - a man whose sole function in the stain was spinning the story, completely separated from the functions of the shaman or sorcerer. Fascinated by the MVL, who apparently considers himself a storyteller of Western culture.
second reason is concern that the tribe was purely private-his friend during their student years - Zuratas Saul, he was so fascinated Macziguengami that he ... became one of them.
These two reasons have made the MVL for years to develop the literary storyteller, and his tribe. The idea how to approach the subject gave him only an exhibition of photos that I saw in the distant ... Florence.
The book is constructed in two ways - on one hand the writer refers to his private history Macziguengów - interview with Saul in the student years, another trip to the jungle (one of them has become a base from which to write "The Green House"!), Both scientific and reporter.
part documentary is a story-teller interleaved-first summarizing maczigueńską mythology, then passing on of personal interest ... at the end of betraying its identity.
admit that initially, the book captivated me. I wanted to treat it as an annex to "Rio Anaconda" Cejrowski, or other "Blondes in the Jungle" - that is just another product for preparing themselves for an expedition to the Amazon (including those who are planning a trip finger on the map).
Some 30 pages before the end of MVL has demonstrated that early I wrote down "teller" at a loss. Out of this reportage looked again a full fledged writer who has something to say.
What this time? In my opinion, revolves around here the positive and negative aspects of different cultures. You can not change these negative aspects of the strength and position of authority (as they did, according MVL both missionaries, and all sorts of scientists in relation to the Indians.)
Changes are possible only when penetrates into this another culture very deeply, and adopt it as their own. It's just that few are able to do and few to do so decides.
I do not know whether to recommend this book. It's dependable for those who are interested in exotic Amazonia. Will appeal to anyone else - it depends on moon phase and position of sunspots - that is the great unknown. Similarly, as was the case of "Paradise just around the corner."
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