Many of the substances from which the Western world could benefit, are in the plant kingdom. It's very interesting that there is a program to destroy the world where people make use of the Libraries Alive, by Pharmacopoeia plant. The plans offer you the opportunity to understand this planet and themselves. There are those who are burning the tropical forests and purposefully destroying parts of Libraries Viva. Sometimes, the antennas of the buzzer and the bark and roots of trees are keys used to balance, heal and bring the body into a state of higher consciousness. All things are here for a purpose and when they are exploited by humans, they return and give us as gifts. In fact, the Earth has been waiting for humans to discover this living miracle. It's time for a movement on the planet - a brave growing crowd, which follow the call to fulfill the purpose of the Earth. You will build new paths and roads for what is possible, working in harmony with the Earth. You
everyone knew, through intention, plan and project, its purpose is to evolve, creating literally a form of mutation within the human body. You must look for the places the planet's energy, which will accelerate from the outside, the internal process as it evolves. The love that exists as a force that you have not been able to understand, is the key. So now conceive how love will change. When you find love within their inner selves, create a mirror on the outside, which reflect their beliefs, as acquire their thoughts form their lives. By exploring love as a vital force of existence, this will affect the planet, which also transform this vibration, no matter what the headlines say.
Download, HERE - Earth Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library - Barbara Marciniak
note: Thanks to Lucas Santos on the runway!
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