Since the birth of AC Almuinha, people assume that we make a commitment to defend and promote the use of our language, our culture and respect for our environment. We were aware at the time, and now SOMOL, the importance of keeping our language and culture and live among us in the best conditions for future generations.
Our land, our culture and our language are the greatest wealth we have the Galician people, as these are the elements that shaped and expressed the way we live and we singularizan in the world as in Galicia. Our language and our culture is no better but no worse than any other, but are unique, are our own land, is our respect for cultural and linguistic diversity of the world.
is the Portuguese language that they served our ancestors for passing on the wisdom, history and traditions that make up and enrich our culture. It is the language naturally used the Galician people to communicate, to relate to our country for centuries: it is therefore our natural language.
say, as do the current government and some sectors Galician political, social and economic character galegófobo that Galician was or is imposed, besides denying centuries of suppression Galician rights is a fallacy, because it can not be regarded as a tax for something which is our own.
It is also a fallacy that is imposed when the Galician today there are still many obstacles to become a full and dignified life in Galician. It is a fallacy when education accelerates desgaleguización of our sons and daughters and also does abandon the language of boys and girls who speak Galician. It is a fallacy when it helped the Justice and unable to collect our processes in our language. It is a fallacy when today is almost impossible to get a mortgage, a notarial deed, Esquel and a whole series of documents known in the Galician many fields such as health, work or shopping. It is also a fallacy when perviven some deeply antidemocratic prejudices about people who speak Galician, old topics that are fed and refreshed even by those who are legally obliged to promote the language and make the rights of Galician.
But despite being the Galician language itself and the country's natural, as happens in our environment that damage to the extent that we consider replacing the eucalyptus own our native forests. However, still our oak, our chestnut trees, our forests, our rivers and the natural language of our in our land and so you need not to coidalos desaparecezan voráxine on a bad call globalization and false progress. The myth of Babel, contrary to some voices that say, there was no curse, but it represents the wealth and cultural and linguistic diversity of different people, despite their differences have the same desire to continue existing . As I said Castelao, donkeys are still the universal language, and the Galician people with dignity and conscience do not want to be stupid, we would know better the more languages, but our first.
In Galicia Galician is natural, then we natural, let's talk in Galician.
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