Let me start by asking support: if you were already used in Lviv? And if so, how many times? Those who were, there probably will return more than once, those who were not, are requested as soon as possible to catch this oversight. Both of them can go there virtually by "Dziennik Seraphim." find a decent review (or may already have read) in Lirael , this is only a handful of impressions. Although the story takes place in 1876, but the heroine, eighteen Serafina, is a thoroughly modern girl. Her ideals would give be summarized in three words-"Fura, leather and chambers," but as the nineteenth century, however, it sounded more impressive: "Kind, six horses, livery ... palace in the countryside ... beautiful winter pomieszkanie Lviv .. Summer in the water ... no savings as a funny outfit. Every woman is worth if you can not dress up? "[1] life is also espoused a variety of feminism and open trade piewczynią: " complete freedom ... (future husband) he should not be jealous, because this is ridiculous ..."[ 2]. Moreover, admitting such a principle is also heir Many Polish women, who thought the same (although apparently they were far from perfect proverbial "Polish Mother"): "But after all, and my aunt and my mother so well as I understand, because I took these principles from them. Require me not , so that I was a martyr ..."[ 3] salary of eighteen leaves and impetus to take effect. With this greater impetus that give it additional strength to her parents, who see her daughter's success in life can implement their own plans and ambitions. How to roll the fate of the seraphim? I encourage you to check. This is my
first meeting with Kraszewski, but, as in Lirael, it has proved a complete zaskoczniem. The book is written with humor and lightness, and reads simply no time. Although the subject begs for a dose of didacticism - Kraszewski avoids him and clearly sympathizes with the heroine. The book clearly excelled in the popular segment - no discussion here about society, morality, or God, are not spared of Prussia and Sienkiewicz. After all - is, however, higher than today's literary czytadła shelf. Strongly recommend:).
**** And Technical Note- Unfortunately I can not leave comments on blogs of those of you who have turned on word verification (exceptions are those who have placed comments in the form of pop-up window.) The cause may be some brilliant blogger to improve on this feature and the cure probably install the new browser. Since I can not do it on a computer that I use, please be patient:). That does not comment on, does not mean that it does not look into:).
[1,2,3] Official Seraphim, JIKraszewski, Book Trade Association, Warsaw, 1987
There are plants that, when ingested, connect you to other forms of self and other forms of consciousness. The whole concept of altering consciousness through the plants received a negative name in the Western world, associated with what is called drugs. In many ceremonies and sacred rituals, it is understood that certain parts of the plants of the Living Library are ingested, so that you can understand better the Living Libraries. So if they can open their minds to the idea that things on Earth grow allowing them to understand it further. There are those who do not want you to gather more information and become free, so they say that something is bad. Transform something that is very beautiful in something to be feared. Indeed, the purpose is to change human consciousness itself through intent, will and gifts of the planet, with ritual and honor - and discover the magnificence of life.
Many of the substances from which the Western world could benefit, are in the plant kingdom. It's very interesting that there is a program to destroy the world where people make use of the Libraries Alive, by Pharmacopoeia plant. The plans offer you the opportunity to understand this planet and themselves. There are those who are burning the tropical forests and purposefully destroying parts of Libraries Viva. Sometimes, the antennas of the buzzer and the bark and roots of trees are keys used to balance, heal and bring the body into a state of higher consciousness. All things are here for a purpose and when they are exploited by humans, they return and give us as gifts. In fact, the Earth has been waiting for humans to discover this living miracle. It's time for a movement on the planet - a brave growing crowd, which follow the call to fulfill the purpose of the Earth. You will build new paths and roads for what is possible, working in harmony with the Earth. You
everyone knew, through intention, plan and project, its purpose is to evolve, creating literally a form of mutation within the human body. You must look for the places the planet's energy, which will accelerate from the outside, the internal process as it evolves. The love that exists as a force that you have not been able to understand, is the key. So now conceive how love will change. When you find love within their inner selves, create a mirror on the outside, which reflect their beliefs, as acquire their thoughts form their lives. By exploring love as a vital force of existence, this will affect the planet, which also transform this vibration, no matter what the headlines say.
Download, HERE - Earth Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library - Barbara Marciniak
Nature is God's pharmacy. Does anyone doubt it? I do not believe, but there are concerns that it is not known, so there. Simple recipes, plans affordable, available knowledge, natural healing, wisdom of the Earth, that is all that the Deity gives us when we become aware that Nature is God's pharmacy: a cure for cancer, depression, diabetes, prostatitis and many other diseases due to air pollution, water, food and impressions. No disease is incurable, there are incurably ill. In this series of videos a lot of precious advice is given by James Bruning, author of The Health Buds of Nature and most current and there are no incurable diseases.
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This week was released the cover of Awakened, the eighth book in the series House of Night. I love the covers of this series, I think the less ended up being more work on the cover. The book is scheduled for the second half of 2011.
The way is now waiting for the pre - sale and the official launch of the book. What did you think of the cover, and what you expect the continuation of the series?
This scene from Star Wars somehow illustrates the integration work of the Shadow. It represents the contact with a level of truth, a shocking revelation after the initial confrontation scene in the shadow of the cave. It is written that the truth has the power to liberate us, but first she and intrigue, then terrify us, to then release. In the following text the last part of our friend's passing cloud.
Done this first ritual, practical, real, effective to resolve the immediate ancestors, who gave you the gift of life without them would not be here, we go to deeper: we solve with our remote ancestors, as tremendous strength of female and male lineages that comes from beyond the morning mists of time and space that comes at us.
Have you ever felt that?
There are two strands of energy that leave us, that sprout from each gene, which dive into the ancestry human history before going before the myth, the legend before ...
We are the manifestation of all that power.
Being pagan (ã) is to remember that.
There are offspring of a god, we emanções ETERNITY.
Probes advanced consciousness, living eternity.
She lives in us, our consciousness is HERS, HERS comes one day return to ALS.
We enrich the awareness of it, the wonderful mystery of Exist.
We can do this work to harmonize our ancestry with a rite, a rite simple.
Rite of alignment with our male and female ancestors:
A peaceful place, make sure it will not be interrupted, preferably at night, let's look at the caves that we bring to twins, a cave is in itself all our female ancestors, all our other male ancestry.
Open circle, position the energies of the four quadrants.
Feeling the four pillars of power in the four corners of the circle, I like to visualize the four powers (earth, water fire and air) as vast columns of Element, coming from and going to the Infinite deep Earth.
Then I focus as the central point of the circle and square.
I'm then going to another reality, like a pyramid, the four corners support me and the point I am going to the top of the pyramid.
Arriving at the high power of the circle, which held the square on the four pillars of power manifest themselves for supporting me so that you can feel the energy of the Goddess, the Source from which everything emanates and to where everything back.
It manifests itself as a constant breeze that blows and fine and subtle energy.
Let the peaceful attributes of the Goddess will be imbued with and let you feel the most profoundly on your own.
What do you have more natural, plus yours, what is it your essence, let them present here.
this subtle energy to evoke the presence of their male ancestors, after the female antepadassadas and harmonize with them.
"I call you beyond time and space on the edge of that magic circle, you, all my male ancestors.
I am the (a) is here now.
My eyes are sometimes looking to windows where existence.
But my arms and my hands, my heart and my tongue and my feet belong to me my destiny I am the (a) new (a), who am here now, I'll be forever grateful (a) for their advice and help in times of great need, but to respect me and allow me to build my life I knew and freely. "
" I call you beyond time and space on the edge of that magic circle, you, all my female ancestors.
I am the (a) who is here now.
My eyes are sometimes looking to windows where existence.
But my arms and my hands, my heart and my feet, my tongue and my destiny belong to me, I'm (a) new (a), who am here now, I'll be forever grateful (a) for their advice and help in times of great need but to respect me and allow me to build my life I knew and freely. "
If terminating the ritual claim that every power that has performed there back where it came from the balance between the worlds to restore order and make your personal circle.
This rite is very deep if done with a legal preparation, at an appropriate time that we should pay attention, lunation type, time of day, each hour has a planetary rulership. We can achieve a state of great harmony with the ancestral forces on us.
This work is also the Shadow, as I said above that we are powerful forces within us, even physically, in our genes.
Realize that when we talk about the approach of sorcerers (as) and shamans have nothing to do with cristista is not that we're being radical, fighting and such, is not even have.
In paganism the issues we're going to another state of mind.
Without fear, we are not sinners for fear of a psychological parent who can condemn us to hell, punish.
What we have in experience and we are all full experience has its value.
In paganism there is another reality we encounter the Goddess, who were separated, as the broken branch of the tree goes to the thirsty earth.
Have you seen these plants that we take a branch, lays on the ground and it grows and becomes a new tree?
For it seems our way now.
A branch that becomes the promise of new tree.
That will pull the earth a certain life and then, the branch carries out a deep magic, becomes the tree.
We were pruned from the tree of life for a stupid system that has alienated us from ourselves, that we call reality conditioned the description of a world totally blinkered.
But even as branches with the LIFE we dare to connect the GODDESS, ALS, and the Earth as trees full reborn.
and solve the Shadow, integrate it such package is part of work since the shadow is placed under the earth and transmute that part of the party branch in the root ...
Shadow Magic resolved, give chances to the branch that would be dried and burned in a furnace of industrial society, to become new and vigorous tree.
Recently I have a crisis on the whole line when it comes to detective stories. Still reading, but what makes me a little pleasure. Broke from this trend, Ruth Rendell, the British author, for unknown reasons, little known in Poland (though I myself for example, filmed Pedro Almodovar). On the blog I have written a delightfully politically incorrect " Road Rage", I'm behind a fairly recent reading of "The trap" - parodystycznie treated history of dark obsession. " now pulled off the shelf "The Copper Peacock", a collection of seven short stories of horror, not necessarily typical of the criminal action, while cleverly designed so that reading them biting your nails, and before each was a little stressed. While the stress was the result of skillfully stepped voltage, which makes the reader expects the worst of all heroes. Sometimes, moreover, expects to completely unnecessary:). recommend, but be warned. After reading probably will be much faster than before to react in a situation where you will be threatened to run over a cat. And can be acquired aversion to seafood:).
Digital Paper will be discussed in meetings with writers this Thursday - Fair
The third edition of Writers Thursday will focus on several forms of distribution of digital book
Taking into account the different platforms, devices and media for the creation and spread of national literary production, the Fifth Writers, literary gathering held monthly by SESC Pinheiros, chose as its theme the subject of a third meeting vanguard ebook reader and digital books.
" Some say that the printed book will end, that will be replaced by the ease of tablets. Others say it will not happen. So find interesting to hear the views of those who really matter: writers, "says Nelson de Oliveira, one of the curators of the event." are writers who produce the content, no matter the platform. We want them to know what each of the possibilities influence in its production, "adds Bruno Cobb, also a curator.
To further enrich the discussion, Edson Rossato, the third trustee, has released the official blog group ( http://www.escritoresdequinta.com.br/ ) a matter, kindly provided by Panorama Editorial, on the subject.
The Writers Thursday is held at SESC Pinheiros, on the last Thursday of each month.
Writers Thursday: ebook reader and digital books (Free)
Curator: Bruno Cobb, Edson de Oliveira and Nelson Rossatto
26/05/2011, from 19h30 to 22h00
Local: SESC Pinheiros - Rua Paes Leme, 195 - São Paulo - SP
Registration: Tel (11) 3095-9492 (from 12h to 21h)
"Romance with a corpse in the background" Ewa Stec.
honestly say that it took the risk by buying at one time, two books of Ewa Stec: "Romance with a corpse in the background" and "Mothers Club Swatek." I did not know in advance that the author and the purchase strongly suggested a positive opinions of its readers. Encouraged me, especially little speech comparing her work to that presented by Joanna Chmielewska (although at the moment I think it's ridiculous and completely illogical, because so far I read only one (!) Chmielewska book.) Nakręcał me positively the fact that the books Ewa Stec is a type of women's literature with humor and mystery in the background ... Since the moment I'm at the stage where I've had enough houses, villas, hotels or bars on the lake, sea or in the mountains, and I was ready for something light, funny and a little odmóżdżającego decided to give Eve a chance Stec, double!: )
First off was "Romance with a corpse in the background."
Book tells the story of Sarah's crazy Rusalka, who catches her boyfriend Jack on the infidelity. Woman devastated by what had happened were going to the bar to there in the depths of alcohol to relieve their suffering, and somehow digest the humiliation that had met her. In the bar, including, of course, meets handsome George Bond (similarity of names, probably not coincidental.) Male offering over her care, caring side, and not liable to keep on your feet takes a woman to live together. The next morning, Agnes wakes up in a stranger place, but soon the situation is clarified and a woman slowly begins to feel cozy with the least that a handsome man. And no matter that it is quite by accident at his home hidden weapons. Day, however, a girl runs away and is forced to return to his home and life. Of course, this return to reality can count on your irreplaceable friend, who not only hide it from her fiance, but also take to the fairies ...
It is easy to predict Agnes breaks up with Jack. Unfortunately, the data is not free from a former lover, and this is because it appears in her life dwarf. Garden gnome, which is sent to live with Sarah as a wedding gift, and which was necessarily Jace wants to recover. But revenge is sweet, and Agnes is not willing to part so easily with the dwarf, especially since Jack has a few things to clarify ...
I've never been and will not krwawyh fan of detective fiction, which is why books such as "Romance with a corpse in the background" in my opinion are perfect for me. This does not mean that the book utterly amazed me, but that gave me pleasure, and ensured that sufficient number of shares ... "Romance on prescription" is written nicely, has a fast-paced action, without any 'grinding language', but with quite a decent dose of humor. Therefore, despite the fact that at some point begin to guess what this is all about, the book still sucks and ensures a good time. A whole range of characters does not allow us to be bored, situations arouse curiosity, and the main character likeable. Obviously, we are here also interested in a romance, but that is not boring, but quite nicely completes. Of course there were things in this book, I have not smashed, like reading about what Agnieszka currently imagine, but in fact this has not affected my perception of this book. A reception is positive as possible. I got this book because from what I expected, that is, humor, fun and easy to read, which at the moment of my career so far is the student examination session, worked very well. I am glad that I did not fail completely, and there is a chance that the "Mothers Club Swatek" I like it:)
E. Stec, Romance with a corpse in the background, Publisher Open, Kraków 2009, s.316.
Tales of horror, "Marie's life" - Barbara Wachowicz
Oh, Nobel prize winner had no luck with women. As a 20-parolatek from an impoverished noble family that could only dream of starting your own. As a 30-year-old had already started to develop the brand, although in the literary world, however, and it was not enough dowry money discriminating brides parents (broken engagement to Mary Kellerówną). In the second half of his life had the opposite problem - he was so famous that flocked to the amateur basking in the glow of fame (the second wife Maria Romanowska) or a woman in love in his work more than him (Maria Radziejowska). If you have already succeeded him to create a successful, full-size relationship (first wife Maria Szetkiewiczówna), so coming close to the action. objective factors, here in the form of tuberculosis that a few years after the marriage has deprived life partner Nobel laureate. As stable life could begin to lead a writer somewhere around 60-threads, with his friend with him for years distant cousin, Maria Babska. With such a biography could easily compete with Mick Jagger, so that Sienkiewicz Jagger was not. Moreover, there was even a nineteenth-century equivalent of Jagger, just a normal guy who can indeed committing errors, but not necessarily those for which they had so dearly paid for. "Marie's life" deal with personal and emotional life of the visit. They are based on letters, diaries and memoirs, family Sienkiewicz, and its all love. The book reads in one breath, is one of the few readings recently traveled by using literally every free moment. This merit is not only gawędziarskiego style of the author, but also the fact that the recent reading of "Families Polanyetskis" left me with many questions about the biographical context of the book (and the Many questions came through discussions with other readers.) I hasten, therefore, divided into "code Polanyetskis. Even during the marriage to Mary of Szetkiewiczów, Sienkiewicz was planning to write "The Chronicle of happiness", there probably would be a novel of manners about love and family life. Wife's death in a natural way put an end to the plans. The idea of \u200b\u200bexhumed about 10 years later, in parallel with the efforts of Maria Romanowska-rich, spoiled 20-year-old, the adopted daughter of the marriage Wołodkowiczów. In the first part "Polanyetskis" the central figure is modeled after the first wife Marynia, as the second largest space is devoted to romance a young poet - Ignatius Ignas of spoiled (though niebogatą) Linet Castelli. Both stories-real and fictional, show remarkable similarities. In both cases the driving force was due not to the person concerned, and the environment (in the book my aunt, in fact, adoptive mother). The same was also the dynamics - the initial fascination with women's "artistic" soul artists burned out, and left only to evacuate the compound, impaired attention public opinion. Dummy Lineta ultimately betrayed her fiance, a real Maria, despite fluctuations and the breaking of her engagement, but she went with her to the altar wybrankiem, so that after a month changed its mind. does not seem to break her engagement the same theme was taken from the old story of Maria Kellerówną - a decent 19-year-old raised almost nun. Especially in that case the negative role played by father, mother or aunt.
book I highly recommend it you can learn a lot not only about the writer's love life, but also on private contexts of his work. For example, who knows who he really was a fictional Zagloba?
Jankowiski Jacob has 93 years, lives in a nursing home and is atormentato by the ghosts of the past. It's not a grumpy old man and likes to tell about their history, more after the arrival of a circus is the city he finds himself remembering everything that happened 70 years ago.
At 23 Jacob was finishing college of veterinary medicine, a little more before the end he receives word that his parents had an accident and not survived, it will recognize the same day the bodies and is shaken, returns home and sees things from the mother and father as they were left in the morning, the board sees that his father had done to put the building with a floor that is behind the house "E. Jankowiski and Son. Veterinarians."
Jacob gets very upset and does not know what to do on the day of the funeral many people were console - it more all he wanted was that everything was over and it was just a bad dream. When the funeral ends he returns home a few days later and is summoned to a conversation with Dr. Hyde on inheritance, Jacob thinks it's a joke in bad taste what Hyde is counting his father was receiving animals and eggs as payment for almost two years, preferred to receive it as payment to see animals suffering. In the same conversation Jacob discovers that parents have a huge debt because of a delay in the mortgage, he asks if he can assume his father's clinic and pay all the debt over Hyde says he can not. The entire property goes to the bank as payment. With nowhere to go Jacob returns to live in college, soon reached the finals, and he's still so shaken by the accident and not knowing what to give up everything and leave without knowing where to go. It is the night for when to rest, when you hear the sound of a train and tries to jump in with great effort can get on the train, and have to explain why not be there to find that the bullies. In this conversation he finds himself in a circus, as he did not know what to do, tried to convince the bullies to leave him be and could only with the help of one of the men who worked in the circus.
Thereafter his life was the circus, became a veterinarian there, suffered greatly at the hands of the head of Uncle Al and August owner of the circus, more circus also brought good things like friends, a career as a veterinarian, and two great passions Marlena and Rosie the elephant the wife of his boss August.
When I finished reading the book I knew what to think, the story is really exciting. The book works well as a circus and has great details the whole show. It's hard to find words to describe this book, he is brilliant. Shows a novel so full of obstacles that sometimes you think it will not work and end the book shows you that for more complicated is that you can overcome obstacles - it. Everyone should know this book (and cliche phrase), it holds you from beginning to end.
November 30, 2006. Carolina, a Pole who lives permanently in Belgium, ending the day 30 years ago. Atypically spends his birthday - on the way to Brussels with the Polish. On the route E40, a few hours make her own life. Life is difficult and dramatic - migration, unplanned pregnancy, marriage with much older Belgian, John Malki (a descendant of a Polish soldier), a difficult relationship with the mother, her husband's depression ... But (as rightly pointed out Enga ), her problems are not involved. And this happens because they do not involve the same character. He spins his tale in a way so distant, as if telling a third party. For a moment I suspected (wrongly) that it can lead your relationship already posthumous perspective, looking at our vale of tears with the mountains. We therefore story of a woman who is not addictive and is not involved. What thus far in this book, and what was written? clues provided me with reliable blurb (with a very brief opinion of the SCORPION). So we have the first clue - a route E-40, in more civilized surroundings, even adopting the form of highways, " longest road in Europe, the east-west route extends from the Kazakh-Chinese border to the English Channel [1]." This route often traveled by Carolina, father in law built it - Joseph Malek, another important figure in the book-filled life of Polish engineer, soldier, General Maczek, crushed by his bourgeois, a Belgian wife. It combines the East and West. This direction east also think an important trop. Belarusian Igor comes from there, the great fascination of California (through which przypomnała himself a " world, which in Poland is no longer " [2]), also a citizen of Kazakhstan (the starting point E-40) - Vika, a woman with a heart so big, as possible in the East. East also has the same roots, Carol and her husband. You could say that in the history of their families, Poland was only an episode, the next stop on the journey of generations of peoples road E-40 to the West. Also from the East comes to anything worthwhile. vibrant Joseph Malek, Igor charismatic, altruistic Vika ... Poland was able to give the world just bland Carolina, which is not able not only to become the second Anna Karenina, but I can not even engage in their own lives.
I know that my interpretation is risky. But I had this book a big problem. It's very good technically, the author finally honed in the renowned workshop of the weekly reviews. Not really but I'm sure to write a book and its message. It's probably the opposite situation than in Magdalene Kordel, where despite the technical shortcomings of the book struck a positive energy. After all - unless the will of such a variant.
[1] "Punishment" May Free, Proszynski and Company, Warsaw 2009, p.16 [2] Ibid, p. 210
book made available by the publisher as part of Prószyński Włóczykijka.
For those who've seen videos of Alex Collier and David Icke talking about how the moon is an artificial satellite, goes this History Channel talking about the Moon Hollow (as it rang like a bell when Apollo mission to send probes to the lunar surface), their seniority in relation to Earth (the Moon is much older than the Earth), craters on some endless, his face hidden, it never appears to us and other strange features.
This is the newest addition to the blog, as the title says this section you will find the classic books that everyone has read or at least have heard.
The Beginning.
Don Quixote of La Mancha ( Don Quijote de la Mancha in Castilian) is a book written by English Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra ( 1547 - 1616). The original title and spelling were El Ingenio hidalgo Don Qvixote of La Mancha, with its first edition published in Madrid in the year de1605. It consists of 126 chapters, divided into two parts: the first arose in 1605 and another in 1615.
The protagonist of a certain age, it is delivered to the reading of these novels, he loses the trial, believed to have been historically true and decides to become a knight errant. Therefore, part of the world and lives his own novel of chivalry. While narrating the achievements The Knight of the Woeful Countenance, Cervantes mocks the principles which governed the fanciful stories of those heroes of childhood. The novel recounts their adventures in the company deSancho Panza, his faithful friend and companion, which has a more realistic view. The action revolves around the three incursions of dual lands of La Mancha, Aragon and Catalonia. In these raids, he engages in a series of adventures, but their costumes are always contradicted by reality. The effect is highly humorous.
The story is presented in the form of realistic novel.
Several layers, the same history.
I believe that all who enjoy reading already read this classic if you have not read the story I recommend you know that is very worthwhile. And if you're starting to read and is a bit lost in the classics have a look and get by them.
I love history, reading is a tasty reading is pretty easy and the book is not large (at least the copy I have, this last photo).
Author: Miguel de Cervantes
Publisher: Ediouro
Translation and Adaptation: Origen Lessa
Pages: 184
(Note: sheet was made according to the copy I have ok?)
"Notes of Officer of the Red Army" - Sergey Piasecki
"The night was black as the conscience of a fascist" - the first sentence of the notes already seemed familiar. Not surprisingly, as it turned out I found the book a cult. Generations of readers may laugh out of ignorance Miszki Zubowa "and konsomolca officer," master of Soviet newspeak. Until the 80s it was illegal but laughter (many zapoznawało up with a book in the form of paper), and is still heavily lined with concern. Miszki hilarious ups and downs - a collector of watches, a devotee of Soviet culture (and especially its most perfect emanation-woszebijek *) and Joseph Stalin), the Wild West to its second floor - and that is the fate of those who had the misfortune to encounter him. Sometimes completely random contacts with him threatened to damage the body, befriending and bestowal of trust - loss of life. Piasecki shows that the devastations of the man by the totalitarian system is irreversible. Emptiness can be completed only by fear and hatred. A Mischka, at the beginning of reading like a humanoid, despite the efforts of the people with whom he comes into contact, do not turn back into a man. book funny at the same time (during the reading is difficult to stop, not to begin to communicate with their environment using Newspeak (as in this example)) and heavy. Leaves of niewesołymi historical reflections and, unfortunately, and contemporary. Are you sure we are in fact described by the heirs of the Polish Piasecki, or maybe more of us Zubowa Misha?
is a strange book. A strange book, tells a strange story. Because if the story of a man who collects the moments in which his wife washed the windows may not be so!
David Foenkinos, which critics see as the developer wzorującego among other things, Witold Gombrowicz, wrote a truly Parisian history. The main protagonist of this story is Hector, a man suffering from mania gathering. The story, which spins the author of the book begins at the moment when Hector decides to commit suicide. Tormented by his addiction to collecting and the inability to exit from the addiction does not see any other option. In place of a final crackdown on with your life chooses Paris metro, which unfortunately does not fulfill its role ... Hector ends up on a half years in a psychiatric hospital. Do not inform the parents, brother and sells the story of an unexpected trip to the United Sister. Passed six months. Hector comes out of the hospital and one of the first steps headed to the library - The story of their stay in the U.S. must, however, have some confirmation in the increased knowledge of the country. The library was Hector meets Brigitte ... Between the two quickly raises the tension and erotic feelings, and therefore do not delay getting married. Hector feels he finally grows up and freed himself from his morbid mania. My wife runs normalized force, together imply a travel agency for music, which in places is a success, it seems that everything is as it should be. For the moment. One day Hector begins to look like the wife washes the windows ...
As I said, "my wife's erotic potential" is a specific story. Its narrator and commentator is also the author David Foenkinos that summarizes, calms, justifies or guides the reader on the right track of thinking. Probably for this reason the book seems to me to be a little schizophrenic ... I do not know what to think about it. On one hand, the book draws us into this absurd world saturated with delicate eroticism, on the other hand I was tortured at times a split personality between Hector and the author / narrator of the story. Maybe it's because Gombrowicz never a fan of I was not? "The potential for erotic my wife is a book about the role of illusion, lies and truth in our lives. Just how important in life is a distance from themselves and their ineptitude and 'shortcomings'. I can not forget the softly stated dose of humor, which is present in this book, and of the positive tenor of the final ...
D. Foenkinos, Erotic Potential of my wife, Wydawnictwo Sic! sc, Warszawa 2006, s.129.
Mercedes is a woman who has no complaints: it is beautiful, well lived, married, mother of two, always close to her best friend Monica and is very happy. Apparently her life is perfect, which arouses the curiosity of herself to find out why your life is so complete. That's when Mercedes decides to analysis with a psychoanalyst, Dr. Lopez, to discover the reason of not even see the shadow of the problems.
What Mercedes did not realize was that his life would change from the day she walked into that office. Throughout his psychological treatment, Mercedes discovers own grievances, including the need to know ever more deeply, the desire to live each moment to realize dreams and wishes he did not know existed.
I heard many people say the movie was very funny and the cast was good. I went to see this movie just went on TV when I found out very nice any more than we're used to seeing on TV. Mercedes in the film begins to enjoy life, know different men, younger than she, going to clubs, spends the night with men without compromise (apparently). Anyway, the movie does not surprise me as much as I expected, is much more fun to watch.
happy woman newly separated, which after time away from therapy, resolves to return to the office. She lives with her children and Bruno Silva. With the divorce, she decides to allow more and judge less.
So she will be mistress of the man of her dreams in New York, will have to deal with dating his son with an older woman and will reconnect with old loves. With so many changes, she finds comfort on the couch so much waiting.
Mercedes will have two great friends: Renee hairdresser and Tania, who owns an art gallery, where the protagonist sets out its work. Jurandir is the neighbor who raises the self esteem of the artist.
series please me more, is in the right mood and not just talk crap like the movie, some things spoken in the series to serve people stop and think about some actions we take throughout life. After separate Mercedes back to the couch of Dr. Lim, it takes life calmly and always shows you how to turn things around in real-life problems that may happen. Jurandir is his neighbor and the bank manager, is in love with her and does everything to conquer it, Mercedes only hurts him always saying no, he does not want to go out with him, most fortunately for us he does not desist, I thank as he appears only in times "Good" drawing smiles and laughs from the audience.
A great cast
If i were to give a note to the film and one for the series would be: 6 for the film and 10 for series. It is worthwhile to keep up with Mercedes in the office of Dr. Lim, the series will air every Tuesday after "Tapas and Kisses" (another series that will soon make a post here on the blog). And of course you can also find the episodes here on the Internet.
This time again, wholesale supply:). While a single book I write a long note, but as long to her collecting, that I had time to evaporate vein. It will therefore be shortly:). But only about books read.
"German bastard" by Barbie Scandinavian crime fiction, that Camilla Läckberg. This is the fifth part of the series "Crime Saga", for me it will be part of the latter. As usual, we have numerous threads moral (wordiness Polish soap opera on par with the difference that in the Polish soap opera does not play such a role until sexual minorities), gapowatych police (this time even harder to think - yes, it is possible). The only thing that saves the book, is a crime topic, this time with the scheme wyłamujący-slaying evil psychopath blonde like his stepmother. It's just that it would suffice for 150 pages, the book has a 650:).
"Marika" Krzysztof Kotowski-completely nothing distinctive sensation Polish author. However, one can read without special glitches. The upside was the lack of "uatrakcyjniaczy plot", frequent in the Polish writers of the genre, there was no such requirement as a nymphomaniac.
"Phototherapy" Catherine Sowuli, such an anti-capitalist pamphlet. We have graduates in the humanities and arts, who are compelled by force and the free market to perform various humiliating activities (including prostitution). The plan was that I read a few pages, and the book will go to jail hastily-give away. It turned out that the author has prepared But a secret weapon - humor. Thanks to his considerable doses, I managed to read "Phototherapy" to the end. Why even read such a book? Contrary to appearances, are irreplaceable in extreme situations (the bag in the rain at the bus stop, into the bathtub) while others just a pity:).
Against this background, moreover, can appreciate the really good books, and so in this delivery turned out to be "King snakes" Jozsef Holdosiego. Taking place since the 30's and 50's, a family saga Kanyów-sedentary Hungarian Gypsies sometimes resembles a fairy tale. Nearly all young People in this community, seem eminently untalentowanych, if not artistically, it just often have a talent for enjoying life. However, their best years were under way very shortly. Artists osuwają a frenzy, killing many a broken heart. Others sink into bitterness. But those who managed to survive many years despite the physical degradation and save your soul, become recognized authorities and leaders of their communities. As this, even though the youth admires, appreciates the experience of elders. And what a surprise - often-recognized authorities, such leaders are women. Since life Gypsies, viewed from the outside, not a pleasure, try to tame them by introducing elements of fairy tales to him. A Holdosi so skillfully incorporates them into a book that enchants on the occasion of the reader. Highly recommended, especially lovers of exotic climates in the literature. This is an opportunity to look for the exotics a bit closer to home.