No, there will be another opinion. Shockwave reviews "The Prime of Miss Brodie," Muriel Spark przewaliła lately by blogs. You can read about it in Dabarai , backward in reading , Lirael, and if anyone feels there is still a hunger-reading debate on the blog Czytanki.anki .
It seems that the story of an eccentric teacher from a British private school in tatach 30-blooded hit the reader's needs. Word-virtual flock of Miss Brodie is growing from strength to strength:). Incidentally, I found
hours in an antique shop on the autobiography of the author-"Curriculum Vitae".

course, I could not even read, I found the interesting details of the prototype of Miss Brodie, Miss Kay ie. Applications after this supplementary reading are as follows - a writer's imagination has no limits, even if the author draws handfuls of material from real life. Neither
At the request of czytanek.anki throw scans (or rather, pictures) from the interest of fans of Miss B. fragments. I checked-can be read. Excerpt unfortunately fairly sizable, but I throw it in its entirety, because the only way possible to capture all the flavor.

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