Friday, April 8, 2011

Vice City Unhandled Exception C

Proposals Almuinha to the election revealed local

the occasion of the municipal election revealed they'll have the place vindeiro May 22, from AC Almuinha elaborated a series of working proposals (proposals VAM intact at the end of this note) that forom delivered last March to all parties that have expressed today that VAM submit to them (PP, PSdeG, BNG, and Entero-IN SEA Liberal).
We want to clarify that the document is the nom Almuinha political program, nor even seek to also collect all the associaçom our proposals. These proposals sound a series of working and ideas which set indicaçons orientaçons of where we believe you should go to local politics in vindeiros years.
Proposals collect these clumps points that we consider central to sound: Language and Culture, Economics and Social Services, Public Services, Ecology, Participatory Democracy and Military Naval School.
  • In the Language and Culture as it deems necessary to ensure accurate actuaçons defessa promoçom and our language and our culture. The Galician speakers keep losing and it is imperative that urgent action from the county, within its jurisdiction to reverse this The Position, Mentre our culture (music, sports ...) persists without the support that dignify necesario.
  • On the other side, we live in an economic system deeply inxusto, unequal and discriminatory that these times of crisis is deepening its effect on the vast majority of the population. You need umha economic policy radically different from the county and support the working classes.
  • As refer to the Public Services, we bet no doubt that they and we are against privatizations, which conleva that companies can benefit economically from prestaçom of certain services, Mentre empiora if the service provided and condiçons labor of their workers.
  • On the other band is the fundamental progreso compatible and work with respect for the environment. We can not accept that destroying the environment to exchange a set number of jobs that mortgage the future of our land and geraçons vindeiras. It is essential to the founding of work, but respectful with the environment.
  • As refer to Participatory Democracy, the political system discourages participaçom the apathy and encourages citizenship, reducing the participaçom emisom to one vote every four years. We consider the fundamental estabelecemento measures to ensure the participaçom citizenship in taking Decisons, fostering responsibility and transparency in public affairs.
  • In the ENM as we believe it is important to start the debate and viceversa for them to stay in our county. Marim lives back to the sea, and largely because of the ENM, which occupies a ground floor, clumps of which are completely infrautilizados, which could be exploited for goce citizenship of Marim. Love this, we are against its permanence, among other things, polo role of the Armed Forces, in charge of defending the integrity of the English terrotorial, denying it with the most fundamental democratic right of any people (recognized in the multitude of international agreements), which is the right to self-determination, which is simply Poida that each people to freely determine their future.
Finally, we thank the good reception we are having our proposals in the parties, as less is a seat we all respostarom undertook to study these proposals face to be able to include those deemed appropriate respected in the election programs. Love, the latter weeks we have had reunions with some political parties representaçom with the county to explain and discuss these proposals algumhas we do, as well as to exchange views and viceversa aspeitos with several of our villa.



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