Wholesale-from Lindgren's books for Akunin:) And again, laziness prevailed-some books, of which I will not (for whatever reason) to write more. Then again in bulk:).
Samuel August and Hanna in Sevedstorp the Hult "- Astrid Lindgren-two stories, this time for an adult reader, first, the title is the story of the love of her parents, the second entitled" I Remember "is dedicated to people who accompanied her childhood - farm-hands, chambermaids, etc. Overall, this book the times (the beginning of the twentieth century), when everything was simpler, easier to raise children and ... it was fun to be a child. I recommend.
"Island of the cleaners' Milena Moser is about sprzątaczce from hell-buried in the papers, the reading diaries, eat the stocks, after hours and seductive offspring chlebodawców. in addition, only simulating cleaning. You could be contracted sprzątaczkofobii true, if not the fact that all turns in a blanket in the direction of much grotesque fairy tale, a maid turns out to be the essence of a heart of gold. Quite nice one reads, for then at least the mid-range.
with "Devil's ailments," Jack Dąbały go down by half a shelf below, but still not bad. The plot tightly screwed-Auschwitz doctor made pioneering surgery cloning '(his dead beloved.) Nine months later, Polish surrogate mother gives birth to a little Marysia and abandons her in an orphanage. The world does not know yet, but here was born in Poland Lisbet Salander (crossed with Lara Croft), a beautiful, intelligent and amoral woman he However, in the life of communist slogans and spin friendship with Marc-bit fajtłapowatym friend from the orphanage. Only it is willing to do anything. Literally everything. It reads quite well, and it was all bogus? Well .. A Lisbet Salander is supposed to be true?
"lover of death" by Boris Akunin once poświęciłabym probably a separate note. However, this part of the cycle of Eraście Fandorinie (Moscow investigators from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century), is either weaker or already Akunin przejadł me. This time, the investigation concerns the suicide club, but before Fandorin rozgryzie matter, almost everyone will manage to kill - Well, apparently the reduction of form. The upside for me was only a figure of a columbine-nihilistki eighteen, who at heart still remained resolute Want to Siberia and totally not be induced to commit suicide.
I did not like the fact that too came out on top of the political sympathies of the author, some of the golden mean well to fit the propaganda party "One Russia". Generally-book more for the dedicated fans Akunin.
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