begin with more pleasant parts of your post. I managed to win the contest in montgomerry this book here:

Once again I thank you not only for the book, but also a tastefully arranged the shipment and a whole lot of sweet annexes. There probably would be fitting to insert a picture, well, since the attachment was only a handful of packages;).
lucky me to be in competition with Skarletki . It's just that happiness I still need help sometimes, for example, keeping in mind the competition, yet I have not volunteered to collect your prize. Does this mean that I am (a bit), absent-minded? [There is nothing to hide, I am:).]
competitions are so fraught with obstacles, but the replacement book-it seems pretty simple. I reported on the case applies to Sabinka .
Well, here began the stairs. According to the rules wymianki to the package, in addition to books and sweets, you should move the bookmark. Top hand made. Hmmm. Because the bookmarks as such do not use (because they get lost), does not even know if ready tabs at all can be purchased in the ordinary "paper"? Something
tempted me, and I decided to do the same. Invented the embroidered tab. The problem is that recently I took the embroidery at the primary (and it was a time eight years of elementary school.) So I had to acquire the necessary materials for the equivalent of several dinners in action Share your meal. " Fortunately, I made up the tab jeans, so was used as a base I sure have not used piece of clothing.
figured the formula, but which turned out to be very impressive, so I started to modify it on the fly. After an hour I was drenched in sweat, and slowly began to take on the bookmark shapes civilized. Only from the front but from behind a tangle of some masakryczne threads. So Dear Participants
If any of you get a package with the bookmark, which looks as if embroidered her third grade elementary school student at zetpetach (emphasize student - not a student), it will probably bookmark my authorship. Confirm well, I have no idea about the stitches, and all the techniques used are my own, invented ad hoc. Photos hapless tab will put no because a) shame as a beret b) the content wymiankowej package and its sender are kept secret until you receive:).
Uh-huh - in principle should not fool around, just look for a tab done tastefully finished decoupage technique. No but on the other hand well above his namęczyłem, while another participant wymianki will be able to laugh.
In any case-estimate for all practitioners of various projects after hours:). And it is such that then look like little works of art. May the force be with you;).
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