I have recently head for reading fiction, and now especially I do not want to deal with popular literature. Therefore, the fact that we drew me as another reader, "Rivers of madness" rather frightening to me than pleased. Włóczykijkową book, read, and then another review ... Serious business.
However, despite these obstacles, and read a book I quite liked it. Quite unusual is the position, określiłabym it as a psychiatric thriller, but I probably will protrude from the drawer. The author likes to confusing clues and mydli eyes, he starts from the first pages.
businessman Mariusz Kurtz employs Logistics Mariusz Marlowskiego to carry precious cargo and custom river barge from Szczecin deep into Polish. The journey from the first moments promises to be a real trip "in the heart of darkness." Expect after such a poor first offal Conrad? Quite wrongly, these literary references are considered the result of the role that they play the main character of the book, and it is not just love, like a regular bookworm, there will be a perversion of love heavily lined. Such
zmyłek are many. All characters, faced by Michael M. behave abnormally, knowledgeable crew members for years ostensibly to ignore the master has the attacks of catatonia and the principal without a break wants to lavish money. Mitzvah hero vision, with the dead family members in the lead role, and the boat trying to break into a crazy tramp.
Could the reason was the mysterious power of the obelisk carried by barge, which makes everyone (except Michael M.) lose your mind?
What I wrote is just the beginning of history, which recalls the crossing of a lunatic dream of riding a rollercoaster. Once we are able to arrange the puzzle, it appears that someone shook them, and in general, it is necessary to lay three-dimensional glasses.
And so on until the final. Strangely - surprisingly logical ordering the few pages on all of these puzzles (including Conrad's footsteps.) Phew - it was a bad ride. The advantage of this book
vivid language, including that used by the characters. The author does not avoid profanity (passionately used by one of the sailors), but I think they are not overly idiom, exudes. The second positive is simply a well-told story, and it was not easy, because of her "crazy" character. Well managed also show it from the perspective of a wise man, trying with all my strength to keep up with the situation. And finally the atmosphere. Though sailing down the Oder river we fumes, and we begin to fear if they do not cry in the rushes.
What was missing? Something more. The author has thus focused on the conduct of puzzles that, in total, I got a little more than a well engineered rebus. Well, maybe with a little bonus in the form of reflections on the relativity of human perception. While I encourage
. It's a good job and a solid reading of the measure. Nobel this book do not get, but a "Golden Dagger" is it like a sausage dog.
book made available by the publisher as part of the SOL Włóczykijka.
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