I think I fell in love. Although, as happens in the spring, probably this love evaporates rapidly, especially since just about the book.
A question about the "Hidden Lives" Margater Forster, author of a rather scantily translated into Polish (just 3 books published in the series NCI, and not necessarily the best), feminists declared that his novels conjunction with relish makes a vivisection of the family. Does not avoid the biographical subjects, especially biographies of famous women.
"Hidden Lives" is a particular kind of fiction which relates to the author's family, and specifically women from the same family: grandmother, Margaret Ann (b. 1869), his mother Lillian (b. 1901) and her sisters, and the Margaret F. (born 1938). Date of birth in brackets threw coincidence. The idea for "Hidden Lives" is not only a family rozdrapy (because this is not polite, uplifting story, oh no), but also a journey through the life and situation of women for almost a hundred years. The author, on the occasion of the family telling the story wants to disprove the thesis that women's lives over the years did not change, and their situation is still evil, and the lights in the tunnel can not see. What else can be seen in her family. Otherwise, life like Ann-Margaret illegitimate child and a maid, who managed to achieve upward social mobility for the price of parting with the eldest, illegitimate daughter. The author's mother - Lilian, although able to get an education for a long time and successful career, having children meant that ended as a hen with depression. Sam Forster (Oxford graduate and a teacher and writer) steered their lives more consciously, not only because great ambition and detrminacji, but also because women's lives constantly changed for the better.
Life is not lego, and the author can afford to write as he wants, and the reader will read what he just fits. After reading because I had a slightly different impression than the one who wanted to commit Forster. Namely, such that people (not just women) can live better and better, the mentality is changing, but in all the historic scenery of people have a check box, and some benefit from it (as Margaret Ann and her granddaughter), and others undergo a battle the battle even before it starts. So did Lilian - for me the central figure in the book. Very unhappy person whom her daughter was considered a victim of the system, although the reasons, in my opinion, most of them lay within herself.
For Forster was an extremely important person, because it has built up his own life on the efforts to be the antithesis of his own mother. Necessarily devoted much of his time and thoughts, and the effect that we have in the "Hidden Lives", where he made the painful vivisection of her person, and her own changing relationship to it. It is a painfully honest story as well, person when it comes to the mother and daughter, who does not hide many of their negative feelings.
Sometimes I caught up on the fact that Forster transplanted, almost always interpreting the facts to the detriment of Lilian. However, does not exceed the limit, for which he is now just disgust. Rather sad that so distanced from each other (also because of the extreme difference in character) that never quite did not understand (Forster has problems with this many years after the death of his mother) that his mother so much shaped by others' standards that I completely lost myself. Probably the two women to reconcile and could understand only in the afterlife (in which, moreover, Forster, the daughter of an ardent anglikanki, does not believe).
can see that the mother is not scarred by the end of the morning (in fact quite different reports, known only at second hand, Histria her grandmother). Anyway, can wound is a bad word - these early years the author strongly marked, not only in the negative sense - also define its interest in literature (in the links I put a link to the review of one of the books published in Polish-the central character very reminiscent of Lillian) and social (feminism).
value of this book lies in the fact that very deeply enters into force "the basic unit of society", thus even if our luggage was a different family, I think it will be easy to find food for thought, which can be applied to your life. Oh yes - there is this story any obvious pathology (like sexual harassment or violence) - is a warning for those whom this theme scares.
addition - "Hidden Lives", has revealed a tendency for me podglÄ…dackie. As soon as I found out that Forster wrote a follow-up 'Precious Lives', which deals in most of his father, has already started to sharpen the teeth on another vivisection.
book a pleasure to read. Is packed with details of everyday life of the working class in her hometown of Carlisle - the details of topographical, descriptions of schools, holiday, visits to the doctor ... The author even painted the word, and does it so skillfully that, after reading the images we see before us in the book. Note
probably is not very encouraging, does not quite know which side of the bite. Sure, I flew schedule: family saga / mystery (which ultimately is nei family secrets?), I would be more effective in advertising the book:).
But even if my opinion is not encouraged, if ever, this white crow you fall into the hands, give him a chance:).
About Margaret Forster in Wikipedia . Somewhat
lifestyle article about MF in kontekcie "Hidden Lives" and "Precious Lives
only blogging review another book in Polish Ministry of Finance in Zosik. Another
review "Hidden Lives"
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