Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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Review: Trust Me, Harlan Coben

First I want to apologize for the lack of updates here on the blog. I was on the run because of Mothers Day and to help I got a sore throat, there has seen, unwilling to do anything. Today I am better thanks to God, and I bring a book review of Trust Me, Harlan Coben. Last month I spoke of this book here was crazy about him, Then on Friday I went out and my mother bought it for me along with Water for Elephants, was a super promotion paid R $ 19.90 each and loved it. I finished this book yesterday and can not wait to talk about it.

Confie em Mim

After the death of his best friend Spencer Hill, Adam begins to act strangely, does not talk to anyone. Lies the whole time on the computer. Parents always ask the concerned what is happening, more Adam always says it's okay. Tia (Adam's mother) decides to bring a friend from work to install a program on your computer's son named E-SpyRight , the program sends a daily report of everything that Adam did in the computer, the program shows all the keys that were pressed, all mail read, sent, received, and with whom he talked on instant messenger programs. For a few days Tia and Mike (father) did not find anything other reports, until one day Aunt was dismayed to read the following message "Keep your mouth shut we get away with," Aunt enter into conversation with her husband despair and do Adam does everything to leave home for the child to talk with them, and nothing works. Mike buys tickets to a game, so try to find out what is acontacendo with her son, Adam disappears more, nobody saw it, and parents do not know what to do.
Everybody saw suspicious deaths are happening and in the end everything turns into a spider web, everything is connected.
For a long time not read a book as amazing as this, now I could see why Harlan Coben is the master hold our attention. You can not sleep without knowing what happened to the victims, committed suicide because Spencer, the family friend Mo, that was reliable? These are just some questions that will go through your head as read, and when you know the answers will be surprised even more with the direction the book took. If you
suspense like this is a full plate, worth mega worth checking out.

Publisher: Sextans
Author: Harlan COBEM
Translation: Marcelo Mendes
Pages: 320
Year: 2009


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